It was a week ago that Vancouver made the news when an anonymous artist erected (ahem) a life-size statue of Lucifer next to the Sky Train tracks. Distressing enough to some merely having a big Satan hanging out in a public place, it was specifically the ‘hanging out’ part that raised eyebrows. This devil didn’t want to hide anything much less his, erm, arousing prowess.
It wasn’t exactly surprising that the city took the statue down almost immediately after its mysterious appearance, but what IS surprising, is that the city apparently wants him back. Some residents are petitioning the city to return the turgid terror. “The statue was not a piece of City commissioned artwork and consequently it has been removed,” said City of Vancouver spokesperson Sara Couper on Tuesday. But the petition is already up to 1,000 signatures and….growing.
It seems doubtful that the city will concede, no matter how many folks decide they want the statue re-erected. Maybe the silent creator will put a topless angel up next. Keep your eyes up here.